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Vape Wicks: A Comprehensive Buyer’s Guide To Cotton

Vape Wicks: A Comprehensive Buyer’s Guide To Cotton

John Boughey |

Last fact-checked 30 April 2024

Coil wick is one of the most important — and most commonly misunderstood — parts of an e-cigarette. It comes in lots of shapes and sizes, and it can be hard to know which wick is the right one for you.

We’ve sold thousands of wicks over the years, and we’ve personally tested just about every wick available in the UK. In this buyer’s guide, we’ll answer some of the questions our own customers ask us about wicks.

We’ll explain what you should look for in your wicking cotton, talk you through the jargon and show you how to get the most out of your coil stuffing!  

What Is A Vape Wick?

A vape wick is the absorbent material that sits inside your heating coil. In every vape device, the wick is the go-between that connects the heating coil to the e-liquid. When you fire your vape, if your wick is wet, the coil will evaporate lots of e-liquid and you'll get a tasty cloud.  

To work properly, a wick needs to be fluffy and absorbent. It has to either draw e-liquid up from a reservoir, or hold on to excess e-liquid that has been dripped from above (see our guide to RDAs). A vape wick should always be kept moist (primed). That way, you get a full mouthful of tasty vapour and so that you don’t get a burnt hit when you fire your heating coil (see our article on burnt & dry hits). 

What A Wick Should Be Made Out Of

Vape wicks are almost always made from 100% organic cotton. In the early days of vaping, wicks were made out of all kinds of materials (including silica and rayon), but nowadays organic cotton dominates the market. You often hear the expression ‘wicking cotton’ or just ‘cotton’. There are some really good reasons for using cotton in vape wicks:

  • Cotton soaks up moisture quickly (it’s what’s known as a ‘hygroscopic’ material). When installed correctly, an organic cotton wick should be able to hold a lot of vape juice without leaking.
  • Cotton doesn’t burn easily. If your cotton wick is primed correctly (thoroughly soaked with e-liquid), it shouldn’t singe or crisp up (this tends to happen as a result of dry hits).
  • Cotton holds its shape well. You can stuff a coil with a fluffy thread of untreated cotton, snip and tuck the ends in and it will normally hold its shape. Cotton doesn’t sag or collapse under the weight of e-liquid — even when it’s fully soaked — so it will make good contact with every square millimetre of your heating coil.
  • Cotton is cheap and biodegradable. Wicks need to be replaced every once in a while (especially if you’re using a high-VG juice - see our VG/PG guide). You need your wick to be made out of a material that doesn’t cost too much and that isn’t going to harm the environment. Untreated organic cotton is a relatively cheap commodity ... especially when you’re only using a little bit to stuff a coil. It’s also biodegradable, so you can chuck it in the compost when you’re done — it doesn’t need to go to landfill.

Why Organic Cotton?

Vape coils should always be stuffed with 100% organic cotton — you can’t just grab a cotton ball from the bathroom. Organic cotton hasn’t been exposed to any pesticides. It also hasn’t been bleached. You don’t want to run the risk of inhaling trace amounts of any dangerous chemicals, so stick with organic.

We do sell one alternative to 100% organic cotton. SWAG Fibre Cotton is a blend of cotton and cellulose (another naturally-occuring material). It offers heat resistance up to 300 degrees centigrade, which works well for some hobbyist and connoisseur vapers. It comes in a reel and it’s only suitable for rebuildable atomisers, but if you’re looking for something a bit different it’s well worth a try! 

Best Selling Wicks (Updated in 2024):

When fact-checking this article in April 2024, we took a look at our own sales figures for the whole of 2023. When it comes to wicks there are 3 market leaders:

Wick Jargon Explained

Here are a few of the phrases you might come across when browsing our vape cotton department:

  • Fast Abs: don’t worry — we’re not selling exercise equipment — this just means ‘fast absorption’. If a cotton promises ‘fast abs’, it means that the cotton will absorb e-liquid quickly; you should spend less time priming your coils and reduce the risk of dry hits.
  • Aglets: Aglets are the thin, coated ends of a shoelace. With agleted cotton, the wicking cotton strip comes with a thin, coated end that you can easily thread through your coil. Aglets are just there to make the threading part easier - they can be snipped off once your coil has been threaded.
  • Fluffing: After you have threaded and snipped your wick, you then need to ‘fluff’ the ends with tweezers. Fluffing opens up any bulky or tightly-packed patches of cotton in your wick, so that you get rapid, evenly-spaced liquid absorption with no dry spots. 
  • Loops, Balls, Reels & Pads: these words just refer to the shape of the cotton when you open the packet. Agleted strips are probably the simplest shapes for beginners, but as your skill level develops, you might prefer a roll or loop of cotton. Pads are handy for certain mesh coil RTAs - if you’re in any doubt about which shape of cotton will work best for you, feel free to get in touch.

Innovations in Wicking Technology: What Comes Next?

It's hard to beat the quality, ease of use and purity of natural organic cotton ... but ceramic coils are amazing.

More and more replacement coils use ceramics rather than a cotton wick. With a ceramic coil, your heating element is pre-coated in a special absorbent ceramic material that absorbs e-liquid well, heats up quickly and doesn’t burn or crisp up. 

If, like most of our customers, you buy replacement coils and you see a ‘ceramic’ option, give it a try. Ceramic is completely taste-free -- it's also more forgiving of the occasional dry hit. There’s some early evidence to suggest that ceramic coils can outlast cotton coils by a long way, too. 

Picking the Right Cotton For You

That’s it! You now know everything you could possibly need to know about buying cotton wicks! It will still take some trial and error to settle on the best wicking cotton for you. Feel free to try out a few different types of cotton and see what works best …and as always if you have any questions, just let us know! 

Stay safe and happy vaping!

John Boughey

5 minute read

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